Most faculty are familiar with open education and its benefits but hesitate to implement its practices due to the combination of limited time and an overwhelming amount of information.

This Open Educational Practices (OEP) Email Marketing Campaign introduces faculty to OEP according to their individual knowledge levels. Beginning with a single email, faculty choose the content journey they most closely identify with. Through this opt-in and self-identification process, faculty will be automatically sorted into audience segments by the email marketing software, ensuring that they receive only the content that is currently relevant to them. Emails will contain less than 260 words each so that they can be read in around one minute.

Each call to action contains small, straightforward steps to guide readers toward the discovery, adoption, and creation of OER or Open Pedagogy. The equity and inclusion benefits of Open Education will be emphasized in each of the journeys, with the goal of cultivating advocates across campus.

About This Project

How to Use This Campaign

Concise Edition Template

Expanded Edition: User Journey Template

Expanded Edition: Email Content Template

Customizing Content

Concise Edition: Texas State University ⭐

Expanded Edition: User Journey at Texas State University ⭐

Expanded Edition: Email Content at Texas State University